Anyways I took 6 laxatives today, but I feel like I did last night and am getting the same feelings I used to get when I first started abusing laxatives (at the beginning it was terribly unbearable when I took laxatives), but I've been taking anywhere from 8 - 15 on a normal day so why should 6 make me feel so bad and on top of that I feel super weird.
Never mind I feel better: went to the bathroom, had a movement and feel a lot better. My stomach feels like shit though, it keeps grumbling and hurting even though I'm eating cookies.
But I do feel like it may be my blood pressure that's causing me to feel this way last night and tonight ;[ just glad I don't work tomorrow. I may try and go to Sunday service depending on how I feel when I get up, also my lower back and pelvic area pain has been getting super constant and intense. I feel so weak, tired and just worn down that I can't even plan ahead for anything, I can only take it day by day. I don't even feel like going out and drinking or going to the movies or doing anything fun. I just want to stay home and snuggle in my covers and try to make my aching body feel a bit better between my multiple bowel movements a day.
I have this bad feeling my body may finally be really giving up on me, it may actually be screaming at me telling me to stop; the sad part is that I don't care. If anything I'm a bit happy in a sick twisted way that the ending may be nearing. My battle with this may soon be over, my body may stop aching forever - no more interrupted nights, no more pounding, irregular or flip flopping heart beats, simply no more pain.
Ha if only.
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